Sandra Lewandowski was appointed partner at RBB


In the beginning of the year 2012, the firm RBB Business Advisors is proud to announce the appointment of Sandra Lewandowski as a partner.

Sandra Lewandowski


Sandra Lewandowski started her career in the RBB Business advisors firm in 2001 after a brilliant student at the University Paris XII – Val de Marne. University where she graduated with honors diplomas MSTCF for Control of accounting and financial science and technology and for DESCF Completion of accounting and financial higher education. She continued her education until obtained a postgraduate degree in accounting and financial management.

This is also as an intern for the validation of her master Sandra Lewandowski began her career, that in the RBB Business advisors cabinet.

A chartered accountant by profession, Sandra Lewandowski has long worked in her favorite areas are the international vocation missions and tax optimization, particularly through the research tax credit. It was first manager in the RBB Business advisors firm for 11 years, which allowed him to gain extensive experience in managing complex projects.

Accountant memoir, Sandra developed two main areas of expertise, production reporting in international environments and assistance to start-up, through the following means:

  • Research tax credit: The research tax credit (CIR) is, in France, a tax reduction calculated on the basis of R & D1 incurred by companies. It is deductible from income tax or corporation tax payable by companies in respect of the year when the expenses were incurred.
  • YIC status: The status of Young Innovative Company (YIC), created by the Finance Act 2004, provides SMEs under 8 who incur research and development costs represent at least 15% of their expenses, a number benefits making it very attractive
  • Business plan review: The business plan, business plan, or plan or strategy Development1 case stems from the business model or business model and formalized in writing the evolution of the business projections.

Sandra Lewandowski and her appointment to the post of associate are part of the objectives of growth and development project of the firm. In another, Sandra Lewandowski also works on implementation of tasks of internal control procedures.