Media and IT expert, Thierry mostly works on consulting and structuration missions. Thierry is also a formely CRCC deputy , a currently CNCC deputy and special animator of « Cap sur le numérique ».


1980s : Taxes and media culture

In May 1985, after graduating from INSEC, he is hired by Bernard & Compagnie, a tax consultancy firm
After his military service, he joins the Fiduciaire Générale de Paris, an audit firm specialized in Media.
Printed press : Le Figaro, France soir, France Antilles, Paris Normandie
Radio : Fun Radio
TV : La Cinq

1990's : La révolution numérique

Thierry Bretout joins in April 1990 Philippe Rouer firm and they create together in 1997 ROUER, BERNARD, BRETOUT. He is involved in the digital revolution and the boom of new technologies since its very beginning in the early 1990s.
He becomes advisor for Compuserve irst ISP (Internet Service Provider) in France, and then advisor for AOLPsinetWorldcom, Oléane (Professional ISP of Orange), Akamaï, Versant, Versata, and Valynux.

2000s : International development

The firm is selected for two consecutive years as exhibitor in the French section at the Las Vegas COMDEX.
Thanks to Thierry Bretout lead, international clients exceed 50% of the total revenues of the firm. Meanwhile, he starts the practices Business Consulting and Corporate Finance.
2011- 2012
To advise both its French and International clients, he creates RBB international, alliance of professionals located in 8 pays, with 100 associates and 20 partners. Rouer Bernard Bretout becomes RBB Business advisors
To strengthen the firm’s global range of services, Thierry BRETOUT creates simultaneously:

RBB accelerator
RBB corporate finance
RBB innovation

Lastly, he becomes administrator of Axeleo, first French accelerator, financed by French Tech, and then launches the practice Financial Model and Valuation.
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